Trinity Sunday at St John's.
Trinity Sunday is eight weeks after Easter Sunday, it is one of the few feasts that are celebrated as a doctrine instead of an event. It is also symbolic of the unity of the Trinity.
St Johns church observe Trinity Sunday through various activities, including a special church service that focuses on the theme of the trinity. Such services give the congregation a chance to learn about or revisit the concept of the trinity, which refers to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit being one God. The Athanasian Creed, named after St Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria, is often included in church services on Trinity Sunday because of its strong affirmation of the Triune nature of God.
Our symbols and images at St Johns church of the Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit depict that there are three elements of one God. The Trinity is sometimes symbolized by a triangular shape formed by three overlapping oval rings or loops, each featuring the one of the following images: the crown (father) within the top loop, the lamb (son) within the second loop (clockwise), and the dove (spirit) within the third loop (clockwise). Other shapes depicting the Trinity include Borromean rings and the triquetra. The liturgical color is white on Trinity Sunday at St Johns church.